Small businesses represent over 98% of all U.S. businesses and produce over half of the U.S. GDP. Plus, we sign the FRONT of the paychecks of over half of all U.S. workers. So why don't we have a n...
Work-Life, Balance
Ever wonder why some people are more effective than others? In a word: cousciousness. And with the honest practice of self-analysis, you can achieve the same level of consciousness as successful hi...
Why do you want to own a business? It's true, there are many positive aspects to being a small business owner, but there are also some some misconceptions. So, for maximum success, don’t fall prey ...
The American experiment forged the blessing of freedom and the ideal of liberty into that very American alloy: entrepreneurship. It’s the energy that’s powered the American Dream at home and became...
Parental love is a paradox, simultaneously delivering the expectation of safe harbor with the consequences of discipline. Mothers occupy the pinnacle of parental love, but there’s a uniqueness abou...
Recognizing America's militia, Jim reminds us of the origins of Memorial Day, and how the coronavirus pandemic should make us all even more reverential to those who paid the ultimate sacrifice to p...
Could you use a vacation this summer? Could your business use a vacation from you? Here are four ideas to help you consider taking more time off.
In the economy and in small business, information can become dangerously disconnected from reality. Avoid creating or getting caught up in Availability Cascade by spending less time listening to ta...
Entrepreneurs are a lot like cowboys - they're not wrong, they're just different. They have a unique drive, a special kind of intelligence, and take risks others avoid - and the world can't do with...
Small business owners and Olympic athletes are both worthy heroes. They are dedicated to what they love, work hard, take great risks and seek excellence, against all odds.
3rd Ingredient® (13)
Business Planning (114)
Communicating (137)
Coronavirus (32)
Customer Care (199)
Economy: Nation, Global (370)
Entrepreneurship (495)
Financial Planning (45)
Government, Politics (246)
Home-Based, Teleworking (132)
Immigration (3)
Journalists (5)
Legal (26)
Management Fundamentals (386)
Miscellaneous (58)
Negotiating (20)
Networking (125)
Publishing (12)
Sales, Sales Management (279)
Small Business Surveys (299)
Start Up (200)
Work-Life, Balance (427)