With rising inflation, you’re not only justified in raising prices, you must raise prices. But be sure that action is based on a pricing strategy informed by your actual and projected numbers, and ...
Articles by Jim Blasingame
In the Age of the Customer, a successful brand message meets customer expectations, an unsuccessful one may cause customers to leave negative reviews or social media posts. Remember, User Generated...
A CEO’s primary job is to determine the long-term direction of the company, but unfortunately, most small business CEOs spend too much time managing and too little time on executive thinking.
Small business owners and Olympic athletes are both worthy heroes. They are dedicated to what they love, work hard, take great risks and seek excellence, against all odds.
As the 16th U.S. President, it’s generally accepted that Abraham Lincoln’s leadership was a profile in courageous genius. But look at the list of his setbacks and you’ll see that the difference bet...
It’s easier to keep a customer than find a new one – everybody knows that. The bad news is, with all of the mega-corp algorithms, online competitors, and cyber-clutter, keeping the attention of eve...
Storytelling is humanity in words. And since small businesses are the face and voice of humanity in the marketplace, we have a great advantage in the Age of the Customer. No market sector can execu...
In Part 2 of this series, Jim discusses Level Two CWCS, which only afflicts managers and is more troubling and organizationally more devastating than Level One, because it occurs at the top, where ...
Do you worry about the competition? In the Age of the Customer, an obsession with the competition can result in an unfortunate and dangerous condition Blasingame calls the "Customer? What Customer?...
Professional salespeople are the most important players in the marketplace. But professional selling is as hard as it is important, so the last thing salespeople need is to be fighting call relucta...
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